Thursday, August 16, 2012

$ 70,000 to the account: The bank mistakenly made ​​happy guy

What would you do if the bank had mistakenly transferred to your account tens of thousands of dollars?
It is in this situation was a 22-year-old American, Joseph Boussinesq. In March of this year, he discovered on his credit card 69 300 dollars, even though days ago there were about 35 dollars.
As it turned out, the bank Wells Fargo mistakenly transferred the money to the account of a man, and finding the error only after a month, demanded them back. But the return has been nothing pishetHuffington Post.
By chance he inherited 70,000 a guy pulled on a trip to Florida, buying 4-month-old puppy retriever and used cars, as well as payment of various bills.
Now facing criminal Bussi article and imprisonment from 7 to 14 years.
"I knew that it was ever revealed, but did not think it's over so bad," - said Joseph Boussinesq.
It is worth mentioning that this American guy was not the first "lucky," awakened a rich man because of an error the bank. Now New Zealand is investigating the case Kary Harring, who transferred millions of dollars from the account of his partner, trapped there by mistake, to other banks, before moving to China. The court will make its verdict in August 2012.
Much more successful was the German who has received from the bank Comdirect 200 million euros for him by sheer chance. Until the error was discovered, he managed to convert the funds to another bank. And though later Comdirect back their money, the court ruled that a man has the right to keep 12 000 euro as a percent of the time until the money was to his credit.

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