Deputies want to tax the Ukrainians, who have not got children under the age of 30.
People's deputies offer to return in force in the USSR tax childless. If the age of 30 Ukrainian citizens do not get themselves children, they will pay 17% tax on personal income, regardless of income level, pishetKommersant-Ukraine.
The bill made deputy Yaroslav Sukhoi (Party of Regions) and Catherine Lukyanov (Our Ukraine-People's Self-Defense). The authors actually offer to return to the system of tax on bachelors, single and childless people, used for 50 years before the collapse of the USSR.
In European practice, such rules do not. And in Ukraine, while this is a social tax exemption for large families, extending to citizens with incomes below half thousand hryvnia or 1.4 minimum wages. In 2012, the amount of such benefit per child is Rs 80.48.
The amendments say nothing about the families who for health reasons can not have children.
According to Ms. Lukyanov, adoption of standards will encourage the birth rate, as in the two years the population of Ukraine decreased by 365.2 thousand people. Additional revenues could be up to 800 million hryvnia by increasing rates for childless, which will cover reducing the burden on families with children.
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