Friday, August 17, 2012

The evil Plankton: 79% of office workers annoy each other

The new study, neither that it's not annoying in the workplace, as chatter of colleagues on the phone on personal topics and products missing from the office refrigerator.
Некоторые привычки коллег иногда раздражают настолько, что могут спровоцировать конфликт
Some habits are sometimes irritated colleagues so that they can provoke a conflict /
You are often annoying colleague? In this you are not alone. According to a survey conducted in conjunction with Yahoo! Shine Fitness magazine of more than 2,000 men and women, 79% of office workers from time to time annoyed about their colleagues. And annoy them as personal traits and professional features of "colleagues."
In the first place among the causes of irritation 41% of men have put the smell. Approximately the same number of women (38%) believe that some of their colleagues would do well to use more deodorant.
Women are more likely than men break out when someone gives them ideas for their own (41% of women vs. 36% men). As young workers less resolute when it comes to the presentation of their projects, the percentage of stimulation over the theft of ideas in the age group 18-34 years are equally high for both sexes - 44%.
Another annoying factor - the lack of personal space. 33% of women and 31% of men admitted that they derive from a loud telephone conversations of employees, not related to the work.
27% of respondents named the habit of stealing food from the office refrigerator the most irritating of all. Also, 13% men and 12% of women do not find a place, when a colleague is eating strong-smelling food - pizza with onions or garlic sausage sandwich.

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