Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Named the most expensive in the world of mineral water

As recently reported by Ukrainian media, Coca-Cola Company and PepsiSo been actively acquiring mineral waters in Ukraine, which only in the western regions, there are over 800. In an era when cheap drinking water on Earth is less and less global corporations make profitable investments in this natural resource.
FINANCE bigmir) net decided to find out what kind of mineral water is considered the most expensive in the world today.
1st - The water from the Fiji Islands Tributo a Modigliani (Modigliani Tribute) - 3600 dollars or 60,000 dollars for a bottle of gold Exclusive
The most expensive water in the world Acqua di Cristallo Tributo a Modigliani created in honor of the artist Amedeo Modigliani. It is a blend of pure spring water from France and from the islands of Fiji, with the addition of water from the glaciers of Iceland.
2nd place - Hawaiian water Kona Nigari - 402 dollars
This water is produced in the open sea near the Hawaiian Islands. Drink plenty of fail not only because of the high price, but the taste ...
3rd - Japanese water Fillico for 219 dollars
Water is extracted from the source at the foot of Rocky in Japan and bottled in beautiful frosted glass bottles covered with crystals Swarovski.
4th - American Bling H2O - $ 55 or $ 2600 for Deluxe version
Despite the fact that you can only find BlingH2O in stores in the UAE, it is in the U.S. state of Tennessee. Water passes nine purification steps, including microfiltration, UV purification and ozone.
Brand BlingH2O invented American producer Kevin G. Boyd. He admits that the high price is due to image, not on the quality of water. If you believe the rumors, the famous socialite Paris Hilton watered it your dog.
5th place - Finnish Veen - $ 23
This water is considered one of the most clean, delicious and healthy in the world due to high content of minerals.

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