Monday, August 13, 2012

Dog case: Four business lesson from four-legged friends

Do you want to be successful at work? Be curious, like a dog, learn to listen, and rejoice detail.
Собака плохому не научит
The dog will not learn bad /
Domestic dog - is not only a source of positive emotions for the entire family, but a good teacher for a careerist.
The well-known video-blogger, a correspondent of the Union of Young Entrepreneurs (The Young Entrepreneur Council) Amanda Condon describes four qualities that entrepreneurs should learn from this pet:
Dogs - good listeners
Any dog ​​can spend hours listening to your talk, unless he is of the breed, if only someone to bark for no reason. And as far as you carefully listen to your colleagues or clients? Maybe the dog can inspire you to become more attentive and responsive.
The dog remains faithful all his life
Everything your dog wants it to be with you all my life - well, all except that you have allowed him to dig a hole anywhere. Any signs of attention it receives with great gratitude. As much in need of care to you, even if it does not always justify the hopes. Loyalty to any idea - the second lesson that can teach your dog.
Dogs by nature are very curious
Curiosity dog ​​has no boundaries. She just vital to sniff new things to learn about them more and more. And as far as you are open to the world? Are you ready to learn something new every day? Walking down the street, you look boldly in the face to people passing by or walking with downcast eyes? Around us - the sea of ​​new features, but curious minds can find them and make the best use.
They were so little is needed for happiness
Have you ever seen a dog-pessimist? Probably not. As would be cruel to the dog owner did not address how many people would not inattentive, four-legged friend still enjoys life and is happy with any, even the petty manifestations of love and care. And you're just an optimist? If the answer is - "no", it's time to go on vacation with his family and, of course, his beloved dog, and to rethink their attitude to life.

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