Forbes magazine examined four major mistakes people who are not able to build a career of their dreams.
Do not rush to give up, if the work did not immediately bring the desired results /
You do not what is needed
Most workers can not clearly be called what they really want. But there are those who definitely knows the ultimate goal, and can spend hours passionately talk about it, but does not know which way to achieve it.
A simple example: a woman tired of monotonous daily work in the office and decides to open a small business, naively believing that because it will have more free time. This is a big mistake. In reality, starting any business requires a lot of time and cost.
You will quickly give up
Patience - one of the most important qualities in the process of moving up the career ladder. We all know dozens of people who want to make the world a better and kinder at this point, but are not willing to wait for their many years of work will bring some results. If your understanding of career dreams - is to get immediate results, you give up long before you reach the finish line.
You mixed up with a career vocation
Work and vocation is not always the same. Often, people begin to romanticize his career, calling themselves "patriots" of the company - they are ready to abandon his personal life for the prosperity of the company. Be yourself! Do not identify his position with his personality.
You do not have enough flexibility
Experience shows that many employees of small and large companies, it is impossible to get from point A to point B without having undergone any change. In order to build a career of your dreams, you have to constantly improve their mental flexibility, and go beyond the so-called "comfort zone".
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