Monday, August 13, 2012

How to choose a profitable deposit

Review of New Year special offers and banks.
Overview of the deposit market /
This year's promotional offers began to appear much earlier than in past years. This is easily explained: the banks are not enough hryvnia, which is to combat the rise in prices has removed from the market the National Bank. A cumulative change the currency, bankers fear. As a result, they raise rates, but not all offer the same benefit.

Обзор рынка депозитовRates increased for a short period

The most common way to attract investors is the high interest rate. In recent years, many financial institutions offer a 16-18% per annum for deposits in local currency. And some banks and did give up to 23% in local currency.

However, even a contract for six months at such rates is problematic. If you look closely at the special offer at 23% per annum, it would appear that the contribution can be placed only two months, you will need to invest between $ 100,000 USD. and make sure it's online service. With this proposal the bank attract new customers and non-poor to show them all the charm of its Internet service. If the customer is satisfied and will remain in the service of the bank, then it will be an overpayment of 1% per annum, after the contract is only for two months. After this period, rates are likely to fall to average 15-16% per annum.

In fairness it should be noted that we have found the contribution by 20% annually in local currency for a period of 20 months. So, not all financial institutions to attract short of money.

Some banks are a bit tricky, and in advertisements indicate higher rates than they really are. More precisely, we formulate the ad so that it confuses a potential customer confused. For example, in one of the billboards we saw the deposit, which offered free deposits with and withdrawal rate of 18% per annum. Of course, somewhere must have been a trick. And so it proved: by going to the site, we found that in the first month you get 13% per annum, for the second - 15.5%, and only a third - 18% per annum. It is easy to calculate that the final rate will be 15.5% per annum.

The increase in the percentage of

There are two common ways to raise interest rates. First, it is attracted to work with clients. Most often those who are willing to extend the deposit for a new term, the Bank proposes to add 0.5% in local and 0.2-0.3% in foreign currency. It is easy to calculate, the amount of deposit 10,000 hryvnia such gain will be as much as 50 hryvnia additional profit.

The second option - a gain to the base rate. In some ads, said the additional 5% to the normal rate. Here, too, should realize that this is the maximum possible gain. That is, entering into a contract under the 16% and received an additional 5%, you get 21% per annum. However, if you are unlucky, the increase was only 0.5% and the final rate will be 16.5%. As you know, a chance to win a higher bid is substantially lower than the minimum to get a bonus.

Therefore, in order not to get upset if it fails, we advise you to rely on a minimal increase, and if you fall a larger bonus, take it as a gift.

Gifts are different

And finally, the last a favorite way to attract customers bankers - a joke gift. Today, financial institutions offer lottery tickets to depositors in the fitness clubs, flights abroad and, of course, cash prizes. Most often, the prize of 10 thousand hryvnia.

With the shares for the depositor should be all clear. After all, if you are a pensioner, then in any fitness club you do not go, and if you do not have passports, then fly you to anything. Therefore, it is best to engage in actions which are played out real money for which you can buy and if necessary, a gym, and a plane ticket.

How changed the stakes in this year's long-term deposits
January 16.7
February 16.4
March 15.7
April 15.3
May 15.5
June 15.0
July 15.2
August 14.8
September 15.1
October 15.4
November 16.4

According to the NBU.

How to choose a reliable bank?

When choosing a financial institution experts advise not to mess with the banks that took a great interest consumer loans.

- The more a bank consumer loans, the greater the risk, - the president of the Ukrainian think tank Alexander Okhrimenko. - However, there is another pattern. If the loan portfolio is growing rapidly, the share of problem loans is reduced following an increase in the amount of the portfolio.

View the number of credits, please visit the Association of Ukrainian Banks.

In addition, experts advise not to put all their savings in a bank. As is known, is now guaranteed return of up to 150 000 hryvnia. And though the guarantee fund is unlikely to cope with a systemic crisis in the banking system, but the experience of 2008-2009, the state returns in the first place, such sum.

Experts also advise not to pay attention to the value of the bank. After the crisis broke down just large financial institutions. When choosing the best look, whether the bank brings profits or losses declared one.

For higher rates on deposits should be treated with caution, but not always, it says about the risks of the business of a bank. The fact that small banks have always given a higher interest rate than their larger competitors. Therefore, experts advise to compare the rates in similar-sized capital of banks. If they are somewhere above the 3-4%, it is better not to risk their money in a financial institution.

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