A few tips on how to do so after the holidays was not painfully sick for aimlessly spent money.
Traditionally, the days are getting novogodnerozhdestvenskie for Ukrainians period of uncontrolled spending. Our compatriots "annealed" to complete, having fun as last time. First, it triggered a sign "as the New Year meet, so it and spend" - who willingly abandon a holiday all year round? Secondly, the influence exerted by the so-called herd instinct.
How to make so that after the holidays was not painfully sick for aimlessly money spent?
According to a study by Deloitte, 54 percent of their holiday budgets Ukrainians are going to spend on gifts. If so, then it is in this expenditure lies the main reserve in order to save.
The first thing to understand before going to the shops for any seller is the main month of December of the year! In the New Year's Eve people sweep away everything from the shelves, and stores that earn big money.
The stratagems of the period written a lot of sales (see "KP" on December 23 and the site kp.ua). The most common is that before you announce discounts of 30-70 per cent of shops are doing a twist on the old price. Thus, often the buyer gets the goods are not cheaper, and more expensive than it cost before the holiday sales!
plan to the upper limit of expenditure
Do not leave holiday shopping on the last day
during the Christmas sales do not buy big ticket items,
as gifts to choose not trinkets and useful things
pay cash - a practice show that the card money evaporate in the blink of an eye,
Make a list of gifts in advance and try to stick with it.
We lay a festive table
On New Year's feast Ukrainians are also planning to spend a lot - about every third of the hryvnia planned holiday budget! Each of us is trying to set the table the most delicious and unusual dishes, in order to impress visiting friends and relatives. As a result of the first week of January is transformed into a continuous "holiday belly". And everything is nothing if not a "but": we are preparing a lot more than they can accommodate our stomachs. As a result of either half cooked goes in the trash, or the whole family chokes on last year's salad and aspic until Christmas!
before going for groceries, make a list of scheduled courses and the necessary ingredients
Even if you really want something exotic, do not buy more than two new products for themselves,
products with long shelf life buy in advance,
products with little shelf life buy a minimum quantity,
if you still bought too much, just send some food in the freezer, not to spoil (you can not just freeze the meat, but also, for example, cottage cheese or a can of corn started)
before starting to cook, consider how much you are prepared and how many were able to "overpower" the first two days, and not make the mistakes of last year,
Do not buy deli, if you can not afford them - do not make an impression on friends and acquaintances of the price unaffordable for your family budget.
Going out with a mind
As is often the basic principle of the celebration we have a battle cry to "walk as a walk!", Restaurants, clubs and discos, "raise" a lot of money during the Christmas holidays. The body is working at full stretch, but we will not pay attention: A new year and then once a year!
Perhaps it would be more correct to use the holidays, not only to eat, drink and waste money? Of course, once you can go to the skating rink or bowling alley, but at the same time very easy to find entertainment that will require minimal costs.
show the kids how to make toys with their hands on the tree - for them it will be a wonderful pastime,
Older children can inspire baking gingerbread man or a Christmas house,
if the snow fell, a ride on a sled with children - if not, just walking in a forest or park,
take a trip to the grandparents,
book a tour of his hometown.
In topic
Ukrainians prefer useful gifts
As shown by the international study conducted by Deloitte, for residents of most European countries is characterized by restraint in making purchases. Most consumers in choosing gifts will be looking for special deals and discounts and to go on sale. Part of the consumer refuses to buy expensive gifts, and most of all, this trend can be seen in France, Greece and Italy.
At the same time, the study showed that Ukrainian consumers are less sensitive to prices on gifts, compared with consumers in other countries that participated in the survey. 45 percent of Ukrainians said they would buy gifts without attaching much importance the price, while two-thirds of Europeans, this factor is crucial.
For comparison, last year only one in four Ukrainians said that the price of the gift will not have a lot to him. Incidentally, in 2010, quite calmly to the price of gifts included Spaniards and Russians (59 and 41 percent respectively), which this year became a much more economical.
Compared to last year consumer sentiment in Ukraine have changed significantly in the direction of greater willingness to spend. Research has shown that if in 2010 to search for products intended to discount 79 percent of Ukrainians, but this year - 56 percent.
By the way, the Ukrainians are not the first year of its commitment to preserve the useful gifts. The fact that the utility purchased a present for them is very important, 80 percent of respondents considered domestic consumers. Experts say that this is not surprising. Practice shows that the desire for useful gifts have people in countries whose economies are in recession.
As in Ukraine and in other European countries, a key factor when choosing a gift is the best quality at the best price.
How many will spend the New Year in different countries, the euro *
Ireland 943
Luxembourg 923
Switzerland 841
Spain 668
Finland 662
Italy 625
France 606
Belgium 574
Portugal 530
Czech Republic 507
Poland 463
Germany 449
Slovakia 437
Greece 319
The Netherlands 260
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