Sunday, August 19, 2012

Careerists: The Ukrainians are ready for work

Most loves his work, but more often are victims who feel their career success.
Карьеристы готовы работать и жертвовать личным временем
According to a survey conducted by recruitment portal, half of working at the moment of Ukrainians consider his successful career (12% chose the alternative "uniquely successful career", 38% - "rather successful career"). Unhappy career development remain little more than a quarter (21% - "rather dissatisfied" and 5% - "definitely satisfied").
The overwhelming number of respondents reported that they faced with life's circumstances, when they went for a career some sacrifices about a quarter of the respondents (22%) always face such a choice, and a little less than half of Ukrainians (48%) made a similar choice several times for their working career.
It is interesting to note that those Ukrainians, whose career, in their opinion, is successful, always go for some sacrifices in order to work, while their less successful colleagues never with such circumstances and do not collide.
More than half of Ukrainians (55%) who participated in the survey did not consider a career worthy of any victims, and only 23% were able to indulge in many ways for professional development. 22% of respondents can not decide on the issue.
Among the "most popular victims" who are willing to Ukrainians, the lead is "free time" - about three-quarters of the respondents surveyed portal ready to carry out their professional duties at any time of the day or night, if you need it. Also, quite a number of Ukrainians (40% and 37%, respectively) for a successful career willing to accept low wages, for example in the early professional career, and the long absence of the holidays. One-third, if required by their profession, ready to frequent relocations, and one in five Ukrainians on the altar of his career, willing to put personal life, that is, relationships with friends, family and loved ones. It is important to note that their health, whether mental or physical, are willing to sacrifice a successful career of 16% and 14% of Ukrainians, respectively, one in every six.
Positively tuned responses to the question, Are the Ukrainians on the altar of career lay their human dignity and to step over it if need be. 44% will look at the circumstances, many argue that in any case will not sacrifice its principles and advantages, and only 3% are willing to violate moral standards, if required to do professional development.
During the survey, it became clear that the sacrifice this or that good things of life or values ​​in order to work for the Ukrainians acceptable. In light of this, a question - what are the benefits of (or should provide) job to devote and leisure, and holiday periods, and relationships with family and friends, and sometimes even your health? So, the most defining factor here is acting as financial independence, it was her, according to the portal, in reward for their efforts and sacrifices are 78% of Ukrainians. Among the most frequently chosen answer: the interest in work (66%), self-realization through work (53%), confidence in the future, which provides work (49%).

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