Thursday, August 16, 2012

Owners of old credit cards are threatening fines sudden

The old payment card can be created for its owner a lot of problems: thousands of debt collectors and attack.
Старые кредитки могут подарить многотысячные долги
Ukrainians, who had payment cards, in danger of a call from a debt collector for many thousands of non-private service bank account. According to TSN, 37 million Ukrainians are the owners of at least one payment card, and some have three or four.
Only 32 million cards may be called active, while others - "sleeping". And while they are in the pocket, the debt increase.
Three years ago, the owner of the card, Larisa, graduated from the collaboration with one of the banks. At least, so she thought. The card has expired, but the bank and served on its account.
"Message from the collection company - is your duty to 18 hryvnia. It turned out that my SMS-banking service, and for her, I owed a few years. Moreover, for the week, the debt has grown to 22 hryvnia," - said Larissa.
When she called the bank, advised her to be happy - because such a paltry sum escaped and was advised to pay. Some Ukrainians of care have to pay the expense of unclosed 2-3 thousand hryvnia. Keep in mind: if the validity of your card has expired, it does not mean that the account is closed automatically. All the information about your rights and obligations contained in the contract that you sign.
"When you have a certain amount, then the bank raises the question: to find the client of the bank from which you will need to pay these charges, to obtain payment for services, even if he did not use them, or decide to write off these charges," - explains the business of the Board Andrew Tsyktor Bank.
But the lawyer Rostislav Kravets disputes with banks on the dog ate - a different opinion. He believes that clients are banks in such cases should not, because their service was not utilized. If the card is in arrears, or you can pay to wait. If three years have passed since the expiration of the card - the bank had no right to demand anything. The limitation period under the law, has expired.
Tsyktor notes that the bank may close the account without the client's treatment only after three years if the account was no movement and no maintenance. However, in the case of Larisa Bank acted just the opposite. Apparently, the inconsistency of our legislation - as roulette - who are lucky, and someone not.
In Ukraine, the "walking" around 10 million card holders who do not enjoy. If each take at least 10 hryvnia, collecting firm, which the bank has sold your debt can get rich.

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